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The Next Emerging Digital Currency in the World: Bitcoin

            The Next Emerging Digital Currency in the World: Bitcoin

Bitcoin emerged in 2008, just after Occupy Wall Street accused big banks of misusing borrowers' money, duping clients and rigging the system.
Bitcoin has come far in a relatively short time. Websites promote it, publications such as Bitcoin magazine publish its news, forums discuss cryptocurrency and trade its coins. It has its application programming interface, price index, and exchange rate.

Simply, Bitcoin is a virtual currency. You can make transactions by check or cash. You can also use Bitcoin or (BTC), where you refer the purchaser to your signature, which is a long line of the security code encrypted with 16 distinct symbols. The purchaser decodes the code with his smartphone to get your cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency is an exchange of digital information that allows you to buy and sell goods. The transaction gains its security and trust by running on a peer-to-peer computer network similar to Skype and Bit-Torrent.



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