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Machine Learning and It's Types

                           Machine Learning and It's Types


Machine Learning is ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. So rather than typing the code for all the times and do knowledge engineering, machine learning helps the machine  to learn from previous data and find insights and pattern from it. 
Basically Data is train on given data set and and applied machine learning algorithm and it find insights.
Simply put, Machine learning makes a computer act and think like a human.

Types of machine learning

  •         Supervised Learning

In supervised learning you use labeled data,which is a data set that has been classified, to infer a learning algorithm. The data set is used as the basis for predicting the classification of other unlabeled data through the use of machine learning algorithms.

Supervised and Unsupervised learning

  •  Unsupervised Learning
      In unsupervised learning there is no label attached with data. So algorithm do clustering here to find similar class of label and infer the insights from it.The best time to use unsupervised machine learning is when you do not have data on desired outcomes, such as determining a target market for an entirely new product that your business has never sold before. Some applications are: Clustering, Anomaly detection.

  •     Reinforcement Learning
       Reinforcement learning is the training of machine learning models to make a sequence of decision. The agent learns to achieve a goal in an uncertain, potentially complex environment. {agent based learning}

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